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The sources of ideas for adaptive forest management may come from local people or foresters rather than researchers.

Foresters, their organisations and identities are an important focus for social research, as the profession grapples with the complexities and uncertainties of climate change.

Two studies are currently looking at these new demands on foresters:

  • A review of the international experience with adaptive forest management, what it means for British forestry. Adaptive management is a systematic process for continually improving management by learning from the outcomes of current management.
  • A study based on interviews with foresters in Wales, where policy has shifted to favour ‘low impact silvicultural systems’ (LISS). Although this shift is not labelled ‘adaptive management’, it is guided by the need to adapt to changing climate and social environment, and it has triggered a wealth of new silvicultural practices.

Funders and partners

The reviews are funded by the Forestry Commission’s Climate Change and Social Research for Forestry in Sustainable Society programmes respectively.

Further information

If you require further information contact:

Anna Lawrence